Business Registration Guidelines
October 14, 2015
Changing the Business Registration information and requirements for the legal represntative:
- Enterprises granted with Investment License/ Investment Certificate and if having changes on Business registration information (i.e. information of Legal representative upon having new passport,…) need to carry out the procedure to convert this License into the Enterprise Registration Certificate and update the new contents. If the change is information relating to the content of investment projects registration in Investment License/Investment Certificate (i.e. capital increase,…), the Enterprises/Investor will be granted the new Investment Certificate.
- In cases where the amendments are related to the content of Enterprise registration and content of Investment projects registration of the granted Investment License/ Investment Certificate, the Enterprises/ Investors need to carry out the procedure to obtain the Enterprise Registration Certificate first before proceeding with the investment registration procedure.
Requirements on the resident status in Vietnam of the Legal representative
- The Enterprises must ensure that there is always at least one Legal representative residing in Vietnam.
- In cases where the Enterprises have only one Legal representative, this person must reside in Vietnam and authorize another person in writing to exercise the Legal representative’s rights and obligations when leaving Vietnam.
- In cases where the Enterprises have only one Legal representative and this person is absent from Vietnam for more than 30 days without authorization to another person to exercise the Legal representative’s rights and obligations, the Companies’ owner, the Board members, the Board of Directors must appoint another person to be the Legal representative of the Enterprise.